Among the most popular temples of the country ISKCON temple in Mumbai is situated near Juhu beach. Alsoknown as Sri Radha Rasabihari ji Mandir and Hare Rama Hare Krishna Temple it is a magnificent marble structure standing tall between the concrete jungle. In Mumbai foundation stone of ISKCON was laid down six years later by Sri Srila Prabhupada after he established the International Society of Krishna Consciousness in 1966 in UK. Acquiring approximately 4 acres of area Hare Krishna land consists of a temple courtyard, Bhaktivedanta Institute for advanced studies in consciousness and science, an auditorium, Library , Govinda restaurant, and six storied guest house for devotees and tourists.
This castle like temple courtyard is alive with chanting mantras on beads and energetic sound of hymns coordinated by dholak and cymbals. The cloister is a beautiful example of Indian marble carving and paintings. Walking your way in, you can feel the bliss of amazing art depicting Sri Sri Prabhupada journey of founding ISKCON and Krishna’s leela. In the middle of the cloister is the statue of Sri Srila Prabhupada facing the glorious deity of Sri Radha Raas Bihari Ji.
There are three Dwars (doors) to see Lord Krishna in three different forms of his incarnation. First is Sri Sri Gaur Nitai in left, In the middle its Sri Radha Rasabihari ji with two sakhis (friends) of Radha and Krishna and in the right side its Lord Rama with Sita , Lakshman and Rambhakt Hanuman. Devotees sing and dance in the name of Shri Radha Rasabihari ji, lost in there own world of devotion. There are three Dwars (doors) to see Lord Krishna in three different forms of his incarnation. First is Sri Sri Gaur Nitai in left, In the middle its Sri Radha Rasabihari ji with two sakhis (friends) of Radha and Krishna and in the right side its Lord Rama with Sita , Lakshman and Rambhakt Hanuman. Devotees sing and dance in the name of Shri Radha Rasabihari ji, lost in there own world of devotion.
“ Krishna known as “Hari” the one who absorbs everything, Once you visit here he steals your heart and pain away” says Sriji Devi Dasi, a charming devotee and ISKCON follower. She adds “It’s a blissful experience to be here, people from all over the world come to visit this temple, it’s the journey of self discovery , understanding Krishna’s relationship with us”.
The open area connecting the courtyard is sheltered by three trees, Bakul (Spanish tree), Parijaat tree, (baobab tree) and Bel (wood apple tree). Beneath there shelter there is small Tulsi plant placed n a height. Before offering obeisance to the main deities first it is offered to Tulsi plant which according to Hindu religion is regarded as symbol of heath and loyalty. At the exit point you are provided with chanting beads so that you can atleast chant for five minutes and meditate. Walking down by side are the ISKCON book stalls. They provide a collection of books consisting of teachings by Sri Sri Prabhupada .
The famous “Bhagvat-Gita as it is” translated by Sri Sri Prabhupada is a enchanting experience to read. There are gifts shops where you can buy T-Shirts lockets and Idols. For people interested in ayurveda there are products made up of cow dung and urine which serves as a best medicine for several diseases. There are also stalls which bestow you with delicious food made at ISKCON and yes without onion and garlic. A dhokla , herbal tea and Kesar thandai are the good options to choose. At the end of the pathway there is also a long line for Prasadam but not to worry as it’s worth of.
In the building connecting courtyard is the ISKCON library which is a must to visit as they have the one of the finest collections of ancient vedic books. These collection of books also tells you about the journey of Prabhupada and his teachings embedded with Krishna Leela and ancient vedic scriptures. Next to the library is the huge lecture hall where young devotees attend lectures learning the teachings of Srimad Bhagvatam. There are different bhakti lectures organized by society, separately for girls and boys which are held on sunday’s . After the lectures there is “Preetivardhanam” a feast for those who attended the lecture. On sundays’ people residing far also come to attend these lectures and to enjoy preetivardhanam.
On everyday basis almost six thousand visitors are approximately calculated to visit temple on week days and on week ends the number increases almost by double. On the special occassions like Janmashtmi, Holi , Jagannath Rathyatra temple is full of pilgrims. In Jagannath Rathyatra there are huge chariots pulled by devtoees led with kirtana and dancing throughout the way.
ISKCON in Mumbai is definitely a spiritual, mystical enchanting experience for visitors. They best way to utilize your free time is to visit ISKCON and to be lost in the unusual experience of chanting and spiritual love.
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